Monday, June 6, 2011

In Training To Be Even More Awesome

I'm taking my new hobby very seriously. And no it isn't running from giant hand monsters... I'm training to bike from San Jose to Santa Cruz. It's a 30+ mile route (with hills!) Why, you ask? Well, I'm either crazy or highly competitive. My brother's done the ride before, so I'm going to go with the latter. And who knows after that. Maybe I'll bike to Canada.

Anyways, after my ride on Thursday, I thought the old bike could use a tune up. I don't know about the rest of you, but I find it enjoyable to change gear at the bottom of the hill and have it change before I make it to the top of the hill. I'm not going to even pretend I know any more about bikes than that. But when you take your bike for a tune up and start hearing things like, "How attached are you to this bike" and "$200 to tune up this year", the suggestion of buying a new bike doesn't seem so far fetched. So I got a new bike. (A Specialized Sirrus)

I think I need an awesome nickname. Batman is the Dark Knight, Manfred von Richthofen was the Red Baron. I believe there is an unwritten rule that you can't give yourself a nickname. This is where I need your help. My biking outfit is black. The new bike is black. What shall I be called?


Anonymous said...

The Bandit

Anonymous said...

Cool new bike!! I think that's an amazing goal to have, and you'll feel fantastic when you're done. I once did a 50km walk and the whole training thing + accomplishment on the day was wonderful.

As for a name... the Bear-Eared Wonder! ;-)

WildflowerWool said...

Well, I am not sure on the name but good luck with your ride and if you ever bike to Canada give me a call :)

A Lost Feather said...

ahhh i would love a new bike! but i don't ride enough to justify it. when i first read this i was going to say "30 miles won't be soo bad!" until i saw the word HILLS.. good luck. i am so bad at hills. i have to get off the bike a lot.. sad haha

Anonymous said...

you had me at the title :) i think everyone needs to train to be more awesome from time to time. Continuing Awesome Education.. right on.

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