The kittens have been slacking. They missed a mouse in one of the buildings. (Warning: the next picture is going to be a bit graphic)
This is what happens when a mouse gets carded. The kittens have been eating many mice, so it hasn't happened in awhile. But apparently they have become teenage kittens and enjoy snoozing.
We also have a foxtail problem around the mill. So far we have found foxtails in a lamb's eye, one of the kitten's eyes, and now this poor guy. At least he still has one eye left. After Marcail pulled out the foxtail, he refused to leave her hand.
I've been knitting a bunch too. I finally found some yarn for my Mr. Tumnus scarf. I've been dreaming about making a scarf like Mr. Tumnus' from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe movie for some time now. The yarn is by Touch. It is called Alpine on the label, but it also referred to as Brushed.

I also have started my very first sweater. The pattern is called Iceland from Rowan 42. The yarn is Tui by Zealana.
It's been a busy week, but I still managed to meet up with Brennan. He had a surprise for me. I've been told it does something cool when the mug is hot.