1. It has to be a gift. You can't buy one for yourself.

Before returning to my grandfather, we stopped by my very favorite second hand bookstore in New Zealand. It is a bit difficult to find as you have to walk down this rather untidy arcade to get to it. But it is a treasure chest of books. I managed to find an old Maori fairytale book.

2. You are suppose to dip it in water before giving it away.
We took the dolphin to the beach my grandparents use to live near.
I remember looking at the newspaper as a child, trying to determine when low tide was. If it was low tide, we could take the secret way down to the beach and look for starfish.
Things have changed a bit since I was here last. For one, we found this interesting sculpture in the sandstone.

Before returning to my grandfather, we stopped by my very favorite second hand bookstore in New Zealand. It is a bit difficult to find as you have to walk down this rather untidy arcade to get to it. But it is a treasure chest of books. I managed to find an old Maori fairytale book.

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