I went into the class understanding a lot about spinning, but I sure learned much, much more, like long draw drafting. It was refered to as the beer draft. Why, you ask? Well, if you are good enough, you can draft the fiber with only one hand leaving the other hand free to hold a beer. Keena is an excellent instructor. If you ever have a chance, take a class from her. She is very clear and patient.

My apologies for not taking a more flattering picture. I was trying to take pictures and learn at the same time...
I perused around the different booths at Lambtown, but stopped at Debbi's booth, Twisted Sunshine. I love all her fiber. I always get a little something from her. Actually, to tell the truth, I visited the booth before and after my class. I had to stop myself from buying something on both visits. I ended up taking away some indigo dyed roving. (I think it's a silk/ wool blend, but I'm not entirely sure. It is yummy, though)

After my class, I met up with my buddy Bryn and circled around the fair. I had such a lovely time chatting with Bryn that I didn't take any more pictures at Lambtown. Whoops. I did get a picture of Bryn with her purchases, though. Two plants that, in her own words, "I can't possibly kill."

After Lambtown, I met up with Jim and Jackie and all of us had dinner together. Then there was the beer run. My favorite beer is by a microbrewery in Davis called Sudwerk. I've managed to find the Pilsner and Marzen nearby my house, but not the Hefe Weizen... of course! It gives me an excuse to go up to Davis to get it. I also got my favorite seasonal beer, Buffalo Bill's Pumpkin Ale. I've tried a lot of pumpkin beers, but honestly, I think they all taste gross. Buffalo Bill's has the perfect balance of pumpkin and spice. I got the Shock Top Belgian White to share. I called it my couch rent.

Looks like I've got plenty of supplies to practice my beer draw.
Fall is my favorite time for beer. Long live Oktoberfest!
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