The other day Justin and I went out to Tremont Cemetery.

I have to say, visiting old cemeteries is one of my favorite things to do. A certain sense of peace always fall over me.
I love seeing old, almost outdated names in hand carved marble headstones. The amount of time and detail put into each stone is nothing but impressive.
The newest grave I could find was this one. Mrs. Florence Murphy lived to be 102. A whole 102 years old! In the ring, it says that Elmer and Florence were married Dec. 26th, 1923.

This particular graveyard had many German immigrant graves. I found myself wondering why the English words for Born and Died weren't more similar in spelling like the German Geboren and Gestorben.

This particular graveyard had many German immigrant graves. I found myself wondering why the English words for Born and Died weren't more similar in spelling like the German Geboren and Gestorben.

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