Knitters often gravitate towards a particular color when shopping for yarn. Mooncalf likes grey, Ewenique likes Yellow, and Coopknits likes green. I suspected my color, but was able to confirm it once I pulled out the stash. I definitely like my blues. (The four skeins on the bottom left row were a recent purchase and are for my next sweater, which I'm not allowed to start until I finish my other sweater.) I almost brought out my entire stash to take a giant yarn rainbow picture, but then it occurred to me that I could be a bit more productive with my time...

Kiwiyarns was talking about Alice Starmore's Aran Knitting in her blog today. Talk about a coincidence. A half hour before I read that entry, my copy of the book arrived. I've only leafed through it, but I already love it.

Heh, I've never gone through my stash to see if I'm a whore for a particular color but I bet if I did--it would be blue. It's a lovely color, what can I say?
The sweater on the cover of the Aran Knits looks so the book worth the purchase?
Yup, mine is blue too. Everything from Navy to a light sky blue. Which is odd, because my favourite colour is actually red :S
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