Around two years ago I started a giant spinning project. I was going to spin all the brown mill scraps I had collected/ been gifted/ bought while I was working at the mill and make a blanket to commemorate the time I spent there. It was even #1 on my 2011 goal list. I ended up spending most of 2011 designing knits so this project was never finished.
I felt re-inspired to take up the project again, but there were a couple of other smaller projects I thought I ought to finish before working on the blanket project again. Today I finished plying the Woolgatherings sock yarn that will probably become Denature socks. One skein for each sock.
I also finished up my indigo dyed silk/yak yarn. I've always heard that silk is hard to spin, but was extremely surprised to find that I didn't seem to have a problem. It was a bit more slippery, but not too bad.... until I tried to ply it. Bahhhh. I had overspun one of the singles a little bit and didn't realize it until I was plying. Luckily the skein settled down after a good soak and yank. It came out to 286 yards of laceweight. I have no idea what to do with it, but it's really pretty... and shiny.
With all my other spinning projects completed, I have cleared the way for the blanket project. There's quite a bit of fiber to go. Thank goodness I'm spinning worsted weight yarn.