Monday, July 14, 2014

Devil's Postpile And The Alabama Hills: ERT2014 Day 3

Day 3 of the Epic Road Trip of 2014 started off with a good breakfast before driving to Mammoth. I was pretty happy I wasn't driving this leg of the trip. I really enjoyed looking out the window the whole way.
This abandoned shack is just outside of Lee Vining

When we got to Mammoth, it was raining. Mum was a little hesitant to take the bus to Devil's Postpile. (In summer, you have to take a bus to see the rock formation. It helps cut down on the traffic.) I said I wanted to go anyways. So we went, and it turned out that it was only raining on the side of the mountain that the parking lot was on. It was lovely on the other side of the mountain. 

We hiked to the top to see the formation even closer. Even though we knew that the post pile was created by the way lava cooled in the area, it still looked like man-made tiles to us. 

We ate lunch while looking up at the formation. The seat was wet, so I lay out my jacket for us to sit on. Unfortunately I had forgotten that I had put my sunglasses in my jacket pocket. Mum sat on them. She said I did it on purpose so she'd have to buy me a new pair.

After getting new sunglasses, Mum and I drove down to Lone Pine. I had wanted to see the Alabama Hills. I didn't realize that so many movies had been filmed out there. Films like Gunga Din and Gladiator have all had scenes filmed out there. The reason I wanted to go was to see the Mobius Arch.
Right behind the arch is Mount Whitney

What's so interesting about these hills is that the rock it is made out of is the exact same as the rock in the mountains behind. They have just eroded differently. Truth be told, the Alabama Hills feel otherworldly. If you've ever seen the movie Galaxy Quest, it felt like a Gorignak could come out at any moment. (Galaxy Quest was filmed in Goblin Valley, Utah, but it felt the same.)

We stayed until the shadows deepened and the sun faded away. Then we casually drove back to town through the warm and dusty evening.


Alicia said...

Oh Audry, these photos are incredible. It's hard to believe they came from the same planet I live in, let alone the same country. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Amazing the way those rocks look just like tiles, and I love that mobius rock! It's interesting how bare the landscape is. So different to NZ!

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