I did finish the hat in a night, but I hadn't counted on it being ugly. The yarn is so pretty. How could I have gone wrong. I let it sit in my knitting caddy for a few days before Katya came over and suggested I make a pillow case instead. The hat has since been frogged.

While I was ignoring the cloud yarn yesterday, I planned to clean the house. It has gotten a little gross (except for the bathroom oddly enough. There was a group cleaning effort on that one.) The day went something like this.
10:40: I hear the dog scratching the door. Usually means he wants to go out. But today was my sleep in day, so I ignore him.
10:45: I hear the back door opening. There is no way Brennan is getting a shower before me, so I leap out of bed and claim the bathroom.
11:30: I look at the sink and think that the dishes should be done sometime.
11:35: That sometime might as well be now.
11:50: The laundry needs to be sorted. I found a sock that I haven't seen in 2.5 months. I wonder how long the laundry sorting has been put off.
12:30: Coffee break.
1:00: Finish putting away the laundry and start cleaning up all the junk in my suitcase that has been lying on the floor since mid March.
1:30: Found some yarn I bought in December in a bag under the suitcase.
1:35: Looking for neat patterns to go with the yarn. There has to be a shawl that qualifies for 10 Shawls in 2010 that requires the limited amount of yarn I have.
1:40: Call Mum about who she thinks might like the shawl I want to make. Conversation veers off into how cute Scooter is.
2:40: Looking at fiber magazines that were in the suitcase. Wonder if Borders has this one magazine I'm looking for. The house still needs to be cleaned.
3:10: Walk the dog.
3:20: Walk to Borders.
3:30: Knitting magazine is not there so I walk over to the knitting books only to overhear some dummy 15-year-old insult knitting. I think about giving her an earful.
3:35: Decide against talking to the teenager as I do not have any of my knitting on. Do not wish for her to believe I am "all talk".
3:45: Tell Justin about the idiot teenager. He agrees. She is indeed an idiot teenager.
4:10: Eat lunch, watch America's most wanted.
4:20: Finish lunch, still watching America's Most Wanted. Decided that I should be productive and knit while watching. Print out Andreas Shawl. Finish weaving in ends for Mum's birthday scarf.
4:30: Looking for needles, start cleaning room.
4:40: Find a UFO (unfinished object) that I had been looking for in January.
I spent the rest of the day alternating between knitting and cleaning while looking for certain knitting notions. I stayed up rather late working on Andreas Shawl
Reason's this shawl is going to have serious problems in the near future:
1. I didn't swatch
2. I'm using a heavier weight yarn than the pattern calls for (I've resolved this somewhat by making the "small" shawl)
3. I don't have much yarn to begin with.
Reasons I cast on anyway:
The yarn is variegated. If I run out of yarn, it shouldn't matter what dye lot the yarn was from. Right?
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