Thursday, January 7, 2010

Baa Baa White Sheep

It's official, I will be doing an independent study as one of my classes this quarter. I'll be knitting/ writing patterns. I'm so excited! Here is the beginnings of the Sheep Hat.

So many loops

I made one for my Dad over winter break, but I''m checking over the pattern as I knit it. I've already made a few adjustments. While I'm knitting the Sheep Hat, I'm also working on the design for the Woodland Hat. I've gotten the yarn already (which influenced the look of my blog...) and I'm working on the color graph.

Universal Yarn Inc. - Cotton Supreme

I bought the yarn with only color in mind. The hat is going to be more of a hood, but I'm a little worried that the shape won't come out as well as I am envisioning. I guess there is only one way to find out.


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